There has been much focus on the added capacity needed to meet peak electricity demand, while the public is invited to moderate power usage at crunch times. For commercial users, however, this is already an organised business, as industry representative Siobhán McHugh explains.
DRAI CEO, Siobhán McHugh, appeared on RTÉ Six One News to talk about the EU commission announcement to reduce gas usage by 15% and the impact on Ireland's energy sector. Watch from approx. 25 minutes.
Guest blog for GridBeyond Insights by DRAI CEO Siobhán McHugh on the two critical challenges facing the electricity sector – the very immediate concerns around security of supply, and the need to urgently deliver the actions needed to achieve decarbonisation this decade.
Presentation from the Energy Ireland Conference 2022 by DRAI CEO, Siobhán McHugh, as part of the panel on Electricity Network and Market Development.
Industrial and commercial electricity users are acutely aware of the need for processes and equipment to be energy efficient. However, many don’t know there are other steps they can take to actively help to decarbonise the electricity grid and support security of supply, while earning revenue.
Media feature on the National Energy Summit 2022 from the Business Post, 1st May 2022. A round up of topics discussed, including the panel discussion with DRAI CEO, Siobhán McHugh.
As we increasingly turn to the wind and sun as our sources of fuel, we must change how we balance the grid and maintain a secure power system. If we can fully exploit demand response from energy users it will make a big difference in cutting our carbon emissions and cutting customer bills.
DRAI Chair Dr Paddy Finn and CEO Siobhán McHugh appeared before the Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 and spoke about how demand response and flexibility can help meet Ireland's energy challenges as we decarbonise the power system. Watch from approx. 1hr 35mins.
'Project Green' with Bobby Kerr explores sustainability within businesses and discussing the steps industries are taking to reduce their carbon footprint. Week One is all about energy. Bobby spoke to John Mullins, CEO of Amarenco, Noel Cunniffe of Wind Energy Ireland, Siobhan McHugh of Demand Response Association Ireland in a moment , Paddy Finn of Viotas and Ellen Diskin of ESB Networks.
What does the grid of the future look like? Our CEO, Siobhán McHugh, took part in the Green Power Global Brainstormer Session – ‘Scaling the grid to achieve Net Zero’. Five sector experts discuss how to adapt the grid to cope with the massive additional clean electrification needed to achieve Net Zero.
As Ireland increases the amount of renewable generation to meet our decarbonisation targets, it is clear the power system will face new technical challenges. Demand response is capable of providing flexible services to help manage intermittent generation such as wind, relieve congestion on electricity networks, and help balance supply and demand when capacity margins are tight. Fully exploiting the potential for demand response and flexibility among customers will be essential.
Our CEO, Siobhán McHugh, spoke to the EY Ireland Alumni Digest about how demand response can help solve challenges on the power system. CEO of Demand Response Association of Ireland (DRAI) and EY Alumnus, Siobhán McHugh, works at the sharp end of the burgeoning energy crisis facing the country. Recent warnings of potential power cuts during the coming winter and over the course of the next five years have brought home in stark terms the challenges facing our power system.
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